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Yaay ak Doom project  

By December 27, 2021March 23rd, 2023Projects2 min read

Yaay Ak Doom is a para-medical solution, developed by DAUST students, to fight against maternal and infant mortality. It is a smart telemedicine mirror that allows to digitalize a pregnant woman’s health records. The technology uses Artificial Intelligence for the facial recognition of the person and a subsequent display of their health records such as age, weight and height. While having sensors for taking blood pressure, the mirror also has an intelligent scale that tracks the patient’s weight.

Thanks to telemedicine, the mirror will facilitate women’s prenatal and post-natal consultations (often neglected in most developing countries). The smart Telemedicine mirror features a videoconferencing tools that allow real-time communication with doctors in different parts of the country or even in a completely different continent. The mirror comes with a mobile application that enables the pregnant women to keep track of their medical appointments (i.e., the expected day of delivery), to be able to receive advices concerning her diet, discomfort, physical activities to complete, as well as other ways to stay healthy during pregnancy.

The smart mirror has been recently featured on 2STV’s Good Morning TV show. Replay of the segment can be watched on our YouTube channel: 

Students are excited about the upcoming annual exhibition which will take place on January 19 and 20, 2022 at the DAUST campus in Somone. The Smart Mirror project’s team and other Daust students will showcase many innovative projects.Be a Daustian!

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