The agricultural sector is one of the most significant contributors to a country's economy, and…
daustadminApril 18, 2023

Distinguished guests, faculty, staff, students, and my fellow engineers. As we stand here today, ready to receive…
daustadminMarch 27, 2023

Mathematics is a subject that many students find intimidating and difficult. A good mathematics teacher,…
daustadminMarch 22, 2023

Dans le cadre de la valorisation des ressources minières du Sénégal et de la promotion…
daustadminMarch 13, 2023

With a laboratory full of tools and interesting parts amongst which you can spot an…
daustadminMarch 9, 2023

DAUST a formé une dizaine de menuisiers dans le cadre du programme «Artisanat Digital», en…
daustadminJanuary 3, 2023

Dr. Niepa is an Assistant Professor at the Swanson School of Engineering (University of Pittsburgh).…
daustadminDecember 13, 2022

Dakar American University of Science & Technology était invitée au Salon International des Algorithmes, des…
daustadminDecember 8, 2022